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Department of Anthropology and Sociology

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Deepen your understanding of culture and society.

There’s no doubt that humans are a fascinating subject, so why not study them? 
Students studying together. Accent texture


Bring your dreams—we’ll show you how to make them happen.

Looking to join the Peace Corps? Work in law enforcement or civil service? Become a field archaeologist? Go to law or medical school? Teach? Our programs will prepare you to pursue the career you want and achieve your intellectual goals.


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Student studying. Accent texture


Expert, passionate faculty make all the difference.

Don’t underestimate the power of great im体育s. Our faculty will support you every step of the way as you carve your own path.



Unique Programs


Awards and Scholarships Available

Anthropology im体育 Richard Sutter in front of Moche frieze in Peru

Beyond the Classroom

Opportunities outside lecture halls.

Through the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, you’ll have the opportunity to find jobs and internships, join student organizations, and take part in inspiring research projects.

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How and Why Society Functions
“I’ve always been fascinated with the inner workings of how and why society functions in the way that it does. When I discovered that there is a path of study that focuses on that, I was hooked. Sociology helps me make sense of the world.”
Danica Navarrete, B.A. ’23
Danica Navarette poses for a portrait.
Experience and Skills
“I chose Purdue Fort Wayne because of its smaller campus and its excellent student-to-im体育 ratio. Additionally, my anthropology internship with RESCOM Environmental Corp has given me more experience and skills in the field of archaeology.”
Andrew Tom Anzueto, B.A. ’23
Andrew Anzueto poses for a portrait.
Connected with Experts
“I love to learn about human culture and the history of human evolution, and about visual anthropology and the process of documenting cultures throughout time. With the Anthropology Club, I have connected with experts in anthropology around the world to ask them to teach PFW students about their research and anthropological experiences in our weekly meetings.”
BellaRose Ferrin, B.A. ’24
BellaRose Ferrin poses for a portrait.
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Department Newsletter

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Discover what’s happening in our department. 

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Have questions?


Contact the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at [email protected].